versione italiana
2D 3D Models
Designer Humberto & Fernando Campana Published 07/10/2007
Description Humberto and Fernando campana's multisided table (2005) are a chaotic mosaic of reflecting glass pieces. The brilliant colours pay trybute to the designers' country of origin and the stones on whith t
Humberto and Fernando campana's multisided table (2005) are a chaotic mosaic of reflecting glass pieces. The brilliant colours pay trybute to the designers' country of origin and the stones on whith t Humberto and Fernando campana's multisided table (2005) are a chaotic mosaic of reflecting glass pieces. The brilliant colours pay trybute to the designers' country of origin and the stones on whith t
Humberto and Fernando campana's multisided table (2005) are a chaotic mosaic of reflecting glass pieces. The brilliant colours pay trybute to the designers' country of origin and the stones on whith t
File format max,3ds Num. of polygons 0
File size 39 KB Texture No
Geometry - Animation No
Download file tavolino brasilia_edra.rar

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